when you jump over the tallest building spider still alive....Spider 2 is better i think difficult easy,hard.
Here is the Picture of the PS2 version ........
Alright the ps3 version....NOW THIS IS WHAT I CALL REAL! GAME!
difficult:Very hard,Crazy!.
Looks real Spiderman......who ever make this game i don't know.
but good job....
now showing the video of it.......nice graphic....xD
whoa .................i hope you guys like it....
This is Great Fighting game........But this one is more better..
difficult:Easy,Hard,Crazy,Very Hard.
i want to buy this game....Is so cool! and nice!!!!!!!!!!!!cool graphic
hehehehehehehe........nice game.......
is japanese version......They already made the english version . difficult:Hard,Crazy!
My favorite shooting game....well i mean,..super hero shooting game -_-
difficult :Hard,Very hard,Crazy!,Normal.
this game is really for 12 or 13+ age only
but i still playing it i am 8 years old.......hmmmm.....this game is more violent then godfather game.,...End...